Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies


Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies includes two components, Byzantine Studies and Modern Greek Studies.

The undergraduate programme in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies offers a series of core and specialised courses.


Key study areas covered in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies:


  • Byzantine Philology (Byzantine texts: history, genres, authors; palaeography, translation of Byzantine texts into Modern Greek)
  • Byzantine History, Archaeology and Art
  • Modern Greek Philology (history of Modern Greek literature, poetry and prose fiction, literary criticism, journals, literary circulation of ideas, literary forms and genres, publishing issues)
  • Comparative Literature (links between Modern Greek and European literature, European literary movements)
  • Theory of Literature and Literary Criticism
  • European History and Modern Greek History


Students can pursue more systematic study of subject areas in Byzantine, Modern Greek and Comparative Literature, Literary Theory and Criticism in our Postgraduate Programmes.

Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies offers PhD options to students who wish to embark on a doctoral thesis in the above subject areas.


Faculty Staff in Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies


Kostiou Katerina – Professor

Athini Stessi – Associate Professor

Gotsi Georgia – Professor

Papatheodorou Ioannis – Associate Professor

Katsigianni Anna-Marina – Assistant Professor

Kiapidou Eirini-Sofia – Assistant Professor

Nousia Fevronia – Assistant Professor