An International student- / early-career-scholar-oriented program of the Centre for Hellenic Studies, directed by Efimia D. Karakantza, University of Patras. Special collaboration this year with Jonathan Burgess, University of Toronto.

Call for Papers

Are you a graduate student or an early career scholar (7 year from the reception of your PhD) working on any aspect on the reception of the Greek epic cycle? Are you interested in participating in an online international dialog / conference hosted by the Centre for Hellenic Studies with a 15-minute paper resulting in the online publication of your revised contribution at the Kyklos@Classics@? For more details about the Kyklos program see:

Please, send an abstract of no more than 300 words to and by 21st of February 2021. Announcement of accepted contributions by 28th of March. Online conference scheduled for the 30th of June 2021.